Public Topics - MR (Mixed Reality) new technologies the combined of VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality). After what we read of VR technology (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality), now we will review the MR (Mixed Reality). What is the MR? How does it work? what's the difference? well do not let your curiosity increases 😂 (just kidding). following his review.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Feel The Excitement In The Use of AR (Augmented Reality)
Public Topics - Feel the excitement in the use new tecnology of AR (Augmented Reality). After I reviewed the sophistication of VR (Virtual Reality). This time I will review the AR (Augmented Reality). what AR, equal to VR? or are there differences? please refer to the article on this one.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Feel The Excitement In The Use New Technology of VR (Virtual Reality)
Public Topics - Feel the excitement in the use new technology of VR (Virtual Reality). Talk about the development of new technologies. This time I will review about the sophistication of VR (Virtual Reality). What's VR (Virtual Reality) and how it functions and how the VR work? You must be curious is not it? And following here's his review.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
History Pura Batu Bolong In Lombok West Nusa Tenggara
Public Topics - History Pura Batu Bolong in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The visit is still on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. Precisely in the Senggigi area where many resorts are magnificent. Through the Senggigi beach, we can find a temple. The Pura Batu Bolong. This time I will review about Pura Batu Bolong, which is near Senggigi Beach. Here's his review.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Tourism at Senggigi Beach On The Beautiful Island of Lombok West Nusa Tenggara
Public Topics - Tourism at Senggigi Beach on the beautiful island of Lombok West Nusa Tenggara. Tourism this time was on the island of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. On the island of Lombok there are many interesting sights and beautiful resorts. Not inferior to the island of Bali, Lombok island also has its own charm. Senggigi Beach is one of the sights visited by many local and foreign tourists. Many beautiful places at Senggigi Beach. How, curious with beach this one? The following I will give his review about of Senggigi Beach.
Monday, February 20, 2017
The Benefits And Efficacy of Honey For Health, Pregnant Women, Facial Beauty, And Children
Public Topics - Honey has an important role for the health of our bodies. Has a number of excellent nutrition for human consumption. Very efficacious in helping to restore the power of the human body. Cure various diseases. This time, I will review the benefits of honey. Whether honey is efficacious for our bodies?
following his review.
following his review.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Li-Fi Technology Newest Generation of Wi-Fi
Public Topics - Li-Fi Technology Newest Generation of Wi-Fi. The technology is growing very rapidly, it makes us as users helped. Of the many technologies that might be some of them that have made us satisfied. But did you know that out there experts in the field they continuously innovate and develop technologies that already exist. One of the technologies that today have innovated is Wi-Fi.
Wi-Fi which we know as the wireless technology for an Internet network, may soon be changing. Results of experiments conducted by Oxford University and University College recently getting the system called Li-Fi, a technology in which light is used as a medium of instruction data that can transfer data at speeds up to 100 Gbps. Reaching speeds many times faster than Wi-Fi is presumably would be the latest in wireless networking technology that will replace Wi-Fi. So how did the Li-Fi technology itself is actually? Here's his review.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Give a special gift for your lover on the day of Valentine
Public Topics - Give a special gift for your lover on the day of Valentine. The day of Valentine's, where everyone proved or expressing feelings. Love and affection that is so remarkable. Speak up and feeling so deeply. So that makes happy your couples with in love.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Enjoy the beauty of culture and exotic scenery in Tanah Lot Bali
Public Topics - Enjoy the beauty of culture and exotic scenery in Tanah Lot, Bali.
Tanah Lot is one of the very popular tourist spot in Bali. Many tourists visiting for a myriad of purposes. Enjoy the wonderful atmosphere at this beach does give a sense of calm and comfortable. Our eyes are spoiled by the incredible views. I'll give you a recommendation for a vacation on the island of Bali. Starting from the tourist attractions Tanah Lot. Happy reading.
Tanah Lot is one of the very popular tourist spot in Bali. Many tourists visiting for a myriad of purposes. Enjoy the wonderful atmosphere at this beach does give a sense of calm and comfortable. Our eyes are spoiled by the incredible views. I'll give you a recommendation for a vacation on the island of Bali. Starting from the tourist attractions Tanah Lot. Happy reading.
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Sunset at Tanah Lot |
Friday, February 10, 2017
Gudeg traditional food of Yogyakarta Central Java
Public Topics - Gudeg traditional food of Yogyakarta, Central Java. Enjoy a wide range of culinary is my favorite. This time I will post the traditional food that comes from the province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Gudeg is the name of the typical food of Yogyakarta. Food with a mixture of sweet, spicy and savory will be able to wiggle your tongue. Let's see and enjoy about the typical food of this one.
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Gudeg Yogyakarta |
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Travel Komodo Island National Park (Dragon) in East Nusa Tenggara Indonesian
Public Topics - Travel Komodo Island National Park (Dragon) in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Komodo island is famous for its natural beauty and rarity of the animals dragons. Has a natural beauty that is so remarkable and has rare animals, making the Komodo island has become an attractive tourist place to visit.
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Komodo ( Dragon) Island |
Saturday, February 4, 2017
Amazing Culture Reog of Ponorogo, East Java
Public Topics - Amazing Culture Reog of Ponorogo, East Java. Reog is one of Indonesia's cultural heritage that must be protected and preserved. I as a citizen of Indonesia will help introduce the culture of East Java, is Reog of Ponorogo. Let us learn together about the cultural arts reog Ponorogo.
Reog ponorogo is one of the art of dance in East Java which is still kept in the preserve. Reog a native Indonesian art and culture. Indeed, culture and art is often associated with things mystical, therefore, not infrequently often associated with the world of spiritual power even black world.
Quite apart from that, this community Ponorogo reog usually often staged during the event as weddings, circumcisions, the days of national holidays, and the annual festival organized by the local government. Festival which is held by the government consists of reog Mini Nasinonal Festival, Festival reog national and also show on the full moon which is housed in the square ponorogo. While reog national festival was always held when going into the Maharam months or frequently in Javanese tradition was commonly called the month of Suro. Ponorogo reog staging a series of events Grebeg Suro or also the anniversary of the town of Ponorogo.
In order to welcome the new year islam or often known as the first of Suro, Ponorogo district government held the biggest cultural event in Ponorogo is Grebeg Suro. When Grebeg Suro take place, usually when staging Reog Ponorogo was always flooded with spectators both from all corners of Ponorogo, even for arts performances this national standard, not uncommon for tourists from outside the region Ponorogo and even from abroad was also present to see the event showcases reog Ponorogo this. This also used by local governments Ponorogo as one weapon to increase the attractiveness of Ponorogo travel itself.
In addition Suro Grebeg festival, Festival Mini reog national level could also suck enthusiastic tourists. All participants who followed a young generisa, on average they are still in elementary school or junior high school. One of the goals of the festival Mini reog national level is to keep this art continues from generation to generation, as the younger generation is the future that will continue this art Rog. All the patterns of activity in the festival reog Mini is similar to the National reog Festival, which differentiate only to participants sera implementation time only. The timing of this Mini reog Festival in August.
The series of art performances reog other and no less exciting than the previous staging performances or performances reog Full Moon. This show has always routinely implemented to coincide with the full moon night. Usually participants who took part in this stage are local groups representatives from each sub-district. Also in this performance also often found several dance performances filmed derived from art galleries in Ponorogo.
Reog is one of the cultural arts that originated from East Java northwestern and Ponorogo regarded as hometown reog truth. Ponorogo city gates decorated by Warok and gemblak figure, two figures that have appeared at the time reog displayed. Reog is one of the local culture in Indonesia is still very thick with things mystical and powerful mysticism.
The official storyline
The official version Reog Ponorogo storyline now is the story of King Ponorogo who intend applying for daughter Kediri, Dewi Ragin Yellow, but on the way he was intercepted by King Singabarong of Kediri. Singabarong king's army consisted of peacocks and lions, while from the kingdom of King Ponorogo Bujang Anom Kelono and his Deputy, escorted by Warok (men dressed in black in the dance), and Warok this deadly black magic. The whole dance is a dance battle between Kediri Kingdom and the Kingdom of Ponorogo, and pitted black magic between them, the dancers in a state of "demon" when staging dance.
Until now people Ponorogo just follow the legacy of their ancestors as a very rich cultural heritage. In his experience reog art is copyrighted human creations that formed the cult that is hereditary and awake. The ceremony also uses terms that are not easy for lay people to fulfill the absence of a clear line of descent. they embrace lineage Parental and customary law is still valid.
The Player Character :
Jathil is hussar and is one of the leaders in the art of reog. Jathilan is a dance that describes dexterity horsemen who were practicing on horseback. This dance is performed by dancers in which the dancers one another each pair. Dexterity and expertise in fighting on horseback or lost interest shown by the expression of the dancer.
Warok and Bujang Ganong
"Warok" is derived from the word wewarah are people who have a holy determination, provide guidance and protection unconditionally. Warok is wong kang sugih wewarah (the rich will wewarah). That is, a person becomes Warok being able to give instructions or teaching others about the life baik.Warok iku wong kang wus full saka sakabehing behavior, lan wus menep ing sense (Warok are people who are already perfect in his manner of life, and to the inner deposition ).
Warok of characters / traits and community spirit Ponorogo ingrained since the first handed down by our ancestors to the next generation. Warok is part of the visual arts reog integral to teaching others in the unit Reog Ponorogo. Warok is a truly mastered both physically and mentally.
Bujang Ganong
Bujang Ganong (Ganongan) or Patih Poet Anom is one of the characters who are energetic, hilarious at the same time have expertise in martial arts so that every appearance is always in waiting - waiting by the audience, especially the children. Bujang Ganong depicts the figure of a young Patih nimble, strong, clever, witty and powerful.
King Klono Sewandono
Klono Sewandono or King Kelono is a powerful king who has a heritage mainstay mandraguna Cemeti very powerful form as Kyai Pecut Samandiman go wherever the King handsome and still young always carry the heirloom. The inheritance is used to protect himself. Valor king depicted in the dance lively and authoritative, in a story of King Klono Sewandono managed to create a beautiful artistic results of their creativity to comply with a request Princess (her lover). Because the King drunk love the movement tarinyapun sometimes describe a man who is in love.
Barongan King Klono Sewandono
Klono Sewandono or King Kelono is a powerful king who has a heritage mainstay mandraguna Cemeti very powerful form as Kyai Pecut Samandiman go wherever the King handsome and still young always carry the heirloom. The inheritance is used to protect himself. Valor king depicted in the dance lively and authoritative, in a story of King Klono Sewandono managed to create a beautiful artistic results of their creativity to comply with a request Princess (her lover). Because the King drunk love the movement tarinyapun sometimes describe a man who is in love. (sudden peacock) dance is the most dominant equipment in Reog Ponorogo. Sections include; Tiger head (caplokan), made of a wooden frame, bamboo, rattan covered with tiger skin kingpin. Sudden peacock, frame made of bamboo and rattan as a place to organize a peacock feather to describe peacock feathers and bite is developing a string of beads - beads (beads). Krakap made of black velvet cloth embroidered denganmonte, an accessories and a place to write reog group identity. This sudden peacock a length of around 2.25 meters, a width of about 2.30 meters and weighing nearly 50 kilograms.
Art and culture should be preserved. Because it contains a high artistic value. Up here only about the culture reog, and then I'll discuss more about other cultures that exist in Indonesia. May be useful. Sorry if there sala in the writing and translation. Thank you very much.
Reog ponorogo is one of the art of dance in East Java which is still kept in the preserve. Reog a native Indonesian art and culture. Indeed, culture and art is often associated with things mystical, therefore, not infrequently often associated with the world of spiritual power even black world.
Quite apart from that, this community Ponorogo reog usually often staged during the event as weddings, circumcisions, the days of national holidays, and the annual festival organized by the local government. Festival which is held by the government consists of reog Mini Nasinonal Festival, Festival reog national and also show on the full moon which is housed in the square ponorogo. While reog national festival was always held when going into the Maharam months or frequently in Javanese tradition was commonly called the month of Suro. Ponorogo reog staging a series of events Grebeg Suro or also the anniversary of the town of Ponorogo.
In order to welcome the new year islam or often known as the first of Suro, Ponorogo district government held the biggest cultural event in Ponorogo is Grebeg Suro. When Grebeg Suro take place, usually when staging Reog Ponorogo was always flooded with spectators both from all corners of Ponorogo, even for arts performances this national standard, not uncommon for tourists from outside the region Ponorogo and even from abroad was also present to see the event showcases reog Ponorogo this. This also used by local governments Ponorogo as one weapon to increase the attractiveness of Ponorogo travel itself.
In addition Suro Grebeg festival, Festival Mini reog national level could also suck enthusiastic tourists. All participants who followed a young generisa, on average they are still in elementary school or junior high school. One of the goals of the festival Mini reog national level is to keep this art continues from generation to generation, as the younger generation is the future that will continue this art Rog. All the patterns of activity in the festival reog Mini is similar to the National reog Festival, which differentiate only to participants sera implementation time only. The timing of this Mini reog Festival in August.
The series of art performances reog other and no less exciting than the previous staging performances or performances reog Full Moon. This show has always routinely implemented to coincide with the full moon night. Usually participants who took part in this stage are local groups representatives from each sub-district. Also in this performance also often found several dance performances filmed derived from art galleries in Ponorogo.
Reog is one of the cultural arts that originated from East Java northwestern and Ponorogo regarded as hometown reog truth. Ponorogo city gates decorated by Warok and gemblak figure, two figures that have appeared at the time reog displayed. Reog is one of the local culture in Indonesia is still very thick with things mystical and powerful mysticism.
The official storyline
The official version Reog Ponorogo storyline now is the story of King Ponorogo who intend applying for daughter Kediri, Dewi Ragin Yellow, but on the way he was intercepted by King Singabarong of Kediri. Singabarong king's army consisted of peacocks and lions, while from the kingdom of King Ponorogo Bujang Anom Kelono and his Deputy, escorted by Warok (men dressed in black in the dance), and Warok this deadly black magic. The whole dance is a dance battle between Kediri Kingdom and the Kingdom of Ponorogo, and pitted black magic between them, the dancers in a state of "demon" when staging dance.
Until now people Ponorogo just follow the legacy of their ancestors as a very rich cultural heritage. In his experience reog art is copyrighted human creations that formed the cult that is hereditary and awake. The ceremony also uses terms that are not easy for lay people to fulfill the absence of a clear line of descent. they embrace lineage Parental and customary law is still valid.
The Player Character :
Warok and Bujang Ganong
"Warok" is derived from the word wewarah are people who have a holy determination, provide guidance and protection unconditionally. Warok is wong kang sugih wewarah (the rich will wewarah). That is, a person becomes Warok being able to give instructions or teaching others about the life baik.Warok iku wong kang wus full saka sakabehing behavior, lan wus menep ing sense (Warok are people who are already perfect in his manner of life, and to the inner deposition ).
Warok of characters / traits and community spirit Ponorogo ingrained since the first handed down by our ancestors to the next generation. Warok is part of the visual arts reog integral to teaching others in the unit Reog Ponorogo. Warok is a truly mastered both physically and mentally.
Bujang Ganong
Bujang Ganong (Ganongan) or Patih Poet Anom is one of the characters who are energetic, hilarious at the same time have expertise in martial arts so that every appearance is always in waiting - waiting by the audience, especially the children. Bujang Ganong depicts the figure of a young Patih nimble, strong, clever, witty and powerful.
King Klono Sewandono
Barongan King Klono Sewandono
Klono Sewandono or King Kelono is a powerful king who has a heritage mainstay mandraguna Cemeti very powerful form as Kyai Pecut Samandiman go wherever the King handsome and still young always carry the heirloom. The inheritance is used to protect himself. Valor king depicted in the dance lively and authoritative, in a story of King Klono Sewandono managed to create a beautiful artistic results of their creativity to comply with a request Princess (her lover). Because the King drunk love the movement tarinyapun sometimes describe a man who is in love. (sudden peacock) dance is the most dominant equipment in Reog Ponorogo. Sections include; Tiger head (caplokan), made of a wooden frame, bamboo, rattan covered with tiger skin kingpin. Sudden peacock, frame made of bamboo and rattan as a place to organize a peacock feather to describe peacock feathers and bite is developing a string of beads - beads (beads). Krakap made of black velvet cloth embroidered denganmonte, an accessories and a place to write reog group identity. This sudden peacock a length of around 2.25 meters, a width of about 2.30 meters and weighing nearly 50 kilograms.
Art and culture should be preserved. Because it contains a high artistic value. Up here only about the culture reog, and then I'll discuss more about other cultures that exist in Indonesia. May be useful. Sorry if there sala in the writing and translation. Thank you very much.
Friday, February 3, 2017
The charm of the beauty of Nature Raja Ampat in Papua Indonesia
Public Topics - The charm of the beauty of Nature Raja Ampat in Papua Indonesian. Indonesia is currently in the spotlight for all the world as it has many beautiful natural charm. Many travelers from other countries who want to vacation in Indonesia. I am proud to be Indonesian, as many sights that are truly amazing natural charm. Attractions that I will discuss this time is Raja Ampat.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Ginger Spice Benefits For Body Health
Public Topics - Ginger spice benefits for body health. Indonesian is famous for spice-producing countries. Where the tropical country very fertile with its spices crop. Many of the benefits of spices that can be used for the health of our bodies. One kinds of spices that we discussed in this article is Ginger. Spices Ginger is very beneficial for our health. We learn together about ginger spice this one.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Sarikaya fruit pudding recipe
Public Topics - Sarikaya fruit pudding recipe. This time I will share recipes are so tasty dessert. Immediately, we see how to make it.
Ingredient :
For a layer Sarikaya :
How to make :
2. Create a layer of fruit :
Good luck. Thank You've read my article, hopefully useful. I'm sorry if there are errors in the writing and translation.
Ingredient :
For a layer Sarikaya :
- 10 eggs - Egg yolk + 6 Egg whites, Shake loose
- 200 gr - Brown sugar, finely sliced
- 400 cc - Thick coconut milk from one coconuts
- 1/2 teaspoon - vanili
- 1/2 pack - Gelatin white powder
- 50 gr - White sugar
- 1 tin - Small cocktail, take fruit cocktail, then added water up to 250 cc
How to make :
1. Create layers Sarikaya :
- Mix brown sugar and coconut milk, and cook while stirring until the sugar dissolves all and boil. Add the vanili, mix again until smooth. Then lift and strain.
- Pour the brown sugar and coconut milk, which is filtered. Put into the eggs, whisk, stir until well blended.
- Prepare a heat-resistant container portion. Pour the dough, then steamed until solid, about + - 30 minutes. Remove and let cool.
2. Create a layer of fruit :
- Mix gelatin, sugar and water cocktail. Cook, stirring until boiling, then remove from heat.
- Arrange fruit cocktail ( already drained) into the container containing Sarikaya. Pour gelatin little by little. Let cool. finished, Sarikaya fruit pudding ready serve.
Good luck. Thank You've read my article, hopefully useful. I'm sorry if there are errors in the writing and translation.